- There are several ways to transfer files to your iPhone. You can use cloud storage services like Dropbox or Google Drive to upload the files and then download them to your iPhone. Alternatively, you can email the files to yourself and open the email on your iPhone.
- Install the OpenVPN Connect app: Make sure you have the OpenVPN Connect app installed on your iPhone. You can find it on the App Store
3. Import the configuration file:
- Launch the OpenVPN application on your iPhone.
- In the 'Profiles' or 'Settings' section, locate the option to import the configuration.
- Select the file import and locate the previously downloaded .ovpn file.
4. Configure the connection: After importing the configuration file, you'll be able to customize connection parameters, such as your username and password (if required).
5. Connect to the VPN: Now that the configuration is set up, you can establish a connection with your VPN server by selecting the profile and inputting your credentials (if necessary).